Category Archives: Don Harris

The Kovacs Perspective

Host of The Kovacs Perspective, Steve Kovacs, interviews Don Harris, Author of “Think Red Ink” about Don’s journey to discover “the red ink” in the Scriptures.  Neither Steve, nor Don skirt the hard questions about Christianity.   Listen now.

If Don’s message rings true and you’d like to hear more  . . .  join him for his daily, Red Letter Edition – LIVE! radio program.  If you have a question, there’s a call-in portion on his Sunday program!  (9:00 am MST)  Questions by email may be sent to

If he’s not on your favorite station, call them and request this fresh and insightful program.  The Red Letter Edition – LIVE! program is available online at or



Gospel Order

Gospel Order

There is a riddle that does not rhyme,
A rhyme that does not ring.
There is a story obscured by time,
A song you cannot sing.

There is a wine that eludes your drink,
A bread that resists being broken.
There is a thought that eludes your think,
A language that cannot be spoken.

There is a road that avoids your feet,
A path that resists your motion.
The sign, when read, its words fall to the street,
A direction, that melts into notion.

A riddle, a rhyme, a story, a wine,
All names for what we all know
God placed in our hearts and wrote in our minds,
This mustard seed to grow.

Cherish this order the Gospel has given,
That shows us the way we ought walk,
It’s only obscured by the way we’re living,
But, it’s truth is “lead in the rock”.

By Don C Harris

Think Red Ink…

Think Red Ink BannerReferences to the red ink, red letters or red words is to distinctly identify the words spoken by Jesus Christ as recorded in the Scriptures.  The origin of the Red Letter Edition Bible is attributed to the 1899 idea of Louis Klopsch who perceived that the words of Jesus should stand out from the rest of the script.

The answer all mankind should know, “What did Jesus say?”

Oh, Say Can You See . . .

Sparks flyThere is something wrong with our Country (and maybe US, if we are Christians) – our expectations, our demands and our values are out of sync.

In this 30 minute call-in portion of Red Letter Edition – LIVE! John Couvalt starts the segment, singing, “What God really thinks of me?”  Then, Don shares his few political views   RLE-L! 20014/04/06  and unpredictable logic.  Be sure to listen to the end.  Don is full of surprises. 

You’ll be saying  to your neighbor, “You’ve got to listen to this guy.  You’ve never heard anything like this before.”

The Measure of Love

If I extend courtesy to you (not tolerance,  not judgment, just a lack of condemnation) and you do the same for me.  We can get along forever.  We should at least be as good to others as we want them to be to us.  Don’t miss this program! 

RLE-W! (God’s Love Is Perfected in US) LISTEN NOW – 2014/04/04

Jesus said it this way, “ …Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself…Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God.”

We must “get” loving our neighbor right!  Our love for God is measured by how we love our neighbor.

People of the Book?

Oh, really?  I’m not.   I love the book, live by the book, I like the book, fascinated by the book, glad I have the book – but, I am a child of God.  Yeah, He’s the author.  That’s a neat deal.  We must hear what Jesus is saying.  If we don’t get this continuing revelation right; we are not going to do any better than our forbearers who made a god out of the Bible and who have become people of a book.  “People of the book” and they are proud of that.  They say, “Yes.  We’re a people of the book.”  Don’t miss this important message.  The authority of God’s Word…

“… if we don’t get this right, the tribulation is going to be sittin’ under a tree pickin’ it’s teeth with our bones…”

Fakes & Phonies!

Get your daily dose of the elixir of life – the red letters.    Don examines the Scriptures,  What did Jesus say?

blind leading blind“… Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.  Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”

RLE-W! Fakes & Phonies! LISTEN NOW – 2014/03/26

In Remembrance – Of Me

It’s Passover.  The time of year where everyone ignores what Jesus said.  What did Jesus say? This do in remembrance of me..”; paraphrased, He said, “Things are changing.”



“Why is there leavened bread on your Passover table?”

LISTEN NOW – 2014/03/16


Jehovah God is the King of Simplicity.  There is nothing superfluous in His life.  We, on the other hand, fill the calendar with holidays and pagan names.  To God, it is First month, Second month, etc.  “… It’s a matter of authority…”