Category Archives: What did Jesus say?

Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father I thank thee…”

Gratitude, Fall candles, pumpkins, apples,

I suppose we should be thankful that we live in a country that still acknowledges God in some respect. The holiday of Thanksgiving is exclusively an American one. No matter its origins, no matter whatever foolishness Madison Avenue seems to have attached to it, we should thank God for the blessings in our life.

Some people who have eliminated pagan holidays from their lives have some concerns about Thanksgiving. I don’t think it’s a legitimate concern. As a matter fact, I think perhaps we should consider it one of the last vestiges of godly American life.  And for that reason alone, we should keep it with honor.

I encourage you to enjoy your family this year with a sincere heart of thankfulness.

I do not think that there is any future or benefit in contemplating any disgrace in the slaughter of innocent turkeys, the theology of the pilgrims, or the pagan symbology hidden in the cornucopia, or enter into conversations complaining of the degradation of Christian principles in our country,

All of which inevitably leads to a sour disposition, lack of participation, and in short, a poor Christian testimony.

It is, always has been, and will continue to be a fact that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Get some joy and spread it around.

It is always sad for me to read the words of our Lord Jesus as he held the newly cleansed leper in his arms and looked back over the shoulder of this thankful man for “the other nine” and said, “… is none but you returned to give thanks?”

I wonder sometimes what the other nine men who were cleansed we’re doing at that point in the story.

Do you think they were smiling?

Do you think they were happy?

Do you think they were planning for their new futures?

Do you think they ran to reconcile with their families that had previously rejected them?

Do you think that they were filled with hope?

… finally …

After years of rejection, loneliness, pain, and poverty…filled with hope?

Perhaps they now had hope.

Perhaps they again had a future.

Maybe happiness once again filled their lives.

It may be that their new lease on life had indeed restored to them what they had lost.  But it did not seem to give them the one characteristic that the One who had healed them so longed to see…


Of all the characteristics of Christianity, faith, hope, love, charity, kindness, long-suffering, etc, etc., the singular characteristic that invariably contains an element of sublime worship is … gratitude.

Let’s be grateful.

“Thank you Lord Jesus.”


Don C Harris


“The Questions of Jesus” by Don C Harris – Question #92:  

      Where are the nine?

Meditations on The Red Letter Questions

“The Red Letter Questions” by Don Harris published by Bridge Logos is available at major retailers.  The audio book “The Red Letter Questions”  is available by request at Think Red Ink.

Penetrating Questions … Profound Answers

Jesus was a Master Teacher.  The questions He raised deal with the most important issues of life, and the insightful answers He gave apply directly to our lives in the twenty-first century.

This reader-friendly book takes an in-depth look at each of His questions and answers them in a well-organized and easy-to-follow format. The author’s simple-and-direct approach shows how each of Jesus’ questions demands a personal response from every believer.

Through clear and compelling examples this unique book reveals the spiritual priorities, principles, and practical applications behind each of Jesus’ attention-grabbing questions, thereby enabling the reader to find personal answers for daily living.

The meditational style of The Red Letter Questions is effective for:

  • personal study and reflection
  • group Bible studies and Sunday school classes
  • family devotions

Paul prayed, “… that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened…” (Ephesians 1:17-18, NKJV).  After reading this book, your spiritual eyes will be opened, and you will grow greatly in your understanding of Jesus’ truths.

Dedication to Guy Joseph Morrell, President & CEO Bridge-Logos Publishers  (1945 – 2007): “It is because of his confidence, encouragement and vision that this book is in your hands. He will be missed. “


Think Red Ink…

Think Red Ink BannerReferences to the red ink, red letters or red words is to distinctly identify the words spoken by Jesus Christ as recorded in the Scriptures.  The origin of the Red Letter Edition Bible is attributed to the 1899 idea of Louis Klopsch who perceived that the words of Jesus should stand out from the rest of the script.

The answer all mankind should know, “What did Jesus say?”

The Father’s Business . . .


“. . . didn’t you know I would be about the Father’s business?” 

The Father’s business is opening eyes blinded by hatred and sin, to heal the broken hearted, the life-trodden souls that are only chess pieces to the power brokers of the real world.  The Father’s business is to justify, rectify and set in fair and proper order the heart of desperate man and to make him acceptable in the sight of God. . . We must find His way and get in it.   

Questions of Jesus Television Series:  From the production facility at Think Red Ink Ministries.