Until Christ be formed in you… [THINK RED INK] …a thinking man’s journey to discover the Scriptural identity of Messiah … and himself.
Don C Harris, a former pastor, tells of his philosophical journey through modern Christianity using childhood anecdotes and an introduction to the Traveler (Don’s revelation of history). Harris’ natural tendency to doubt, to require logic and relationship to God that was not alien to a thinking man, led him on a quest for truth. He discovered red ink…
An obvious, yet novel approach to Christianity, “What did Jesus say?” THINK RED INK is the key:
- to clear Biblical bewilderment (Jesus is the authority),
- to unify the denominations in brotherhood (Jesus is the Teacher),
- to offer guidance to the lost and weary (Jesus is the Guide), and
- to answer the nagging questions of the ages (Jesus is the Word of God).
“Help! The Bible is ruining my religion.” Harris presents his life discoveries through the eyes and understanding of a trusting child who did not realize his journey would lead to a vetting of modern Christianity. As contemporary religions become less relevant to struggling modern man the ancient words of Christ become more so.
NOW AVAILABLE (on Kindle):
- A game-changer in the concept of faith. The process in this book works every time. Every prayer answered. Hope and understanding to sustain the hard times, the love of God not misunderstood. A pattern was revealed to me as I read the book of Hebrews. I could clearly see exactly what faith was, as my God shared the secret of this principle. One night’s revelation made things so transparent that, from that moment on, I never again doubted God’s faithfulness to the words from His mouth.
NOW AVAILABLE (on Kindle):
- Introduces or re-introduces, secrets that have been hidden since the foundation of the world. Don applies a novel concept in this succinct and powerful work – utilizing the Scriptural definitions of words to identify the Christianity of the Bible. The result is the revealing of the Word of God in a way that was known to Abraham, Jeremiah, David, John and Paul, but is not understood by most modern Christian theologians.
- If you want the standard fare this book will not interest or please you. On the other hand, if you are weary of the average religious pacifiers you might find the key you have been seeking ALL your life.
The Red Letter Questions – Meditations on the Questions Jesus Asked
- The Red-Letter Questions describes the progression of insights and revelation given to Don Harris during the journey that changed his life forever. These are heartfelt thoughts of a man who, through traditional misinterpretation of Scripture, inadvertently disobeyed the God he claimed to love and serve. The traditions of men and false assumptions had become a part of Don’s everyday life (just as they may be in ours). Discovering the truth behind these poignant red-letter questions set him free and it will set you free as well.
The Red-Letter Questions is a fresh look at the recorded questions asked by the Messiah during His ministry on earth. Let the questions transport you to the feet of the Messiah. Open your ears and your heart to hear His questions anew and find your own answers–answers that will cleanse and change you forever. (238 p.)
- Publisher: Bridge Logos (2007)
The Questions of Jesus
- More important than the questions we ask Him are the questions He asked us. Mark 11 implies that He may answer our questions, but only after we answer His. This great devotional book and
study source revisits and offers new perspectives on some of the most familiar Scriptures in the world, the questions in red letters, the questions of Jesus.
- There are 151 questions, formulated in the mind of the Son of God, recorded in the Scriptures. This book explores them all. The Gospels will never be the same! His questions will challenge us … the answers will change us. (492 p.)
- Publisher: Think Red Ink (2004); Areopagus Publishing* (2015)
On Manna
- There are those who claim the undivided attention of the Almighty as they “speak to God” and, consequently He speaks to them, clearly and distinctly. This book is not for them. This book is for the more honest and down-to-earth
man or woman who only wants to receive the daily guidance that was promised.
- If this describes you, your honesty will simply not allow you to manufacture miraculous communications out of what you know are your own mental processes; nor, will you afford yourself the luxury of re-creating your common dreams into heavenly visions. You just want to know that you live and walk in the will of your God, so you can face whatever comes your way. (144 p.)
- Publisher: Areopagus Publishing* (2014)
On Sabbath in English, Spanish and French
- For anyone contemplating the Sabbath, this book answers the questions MOST everyone has about the Sabbath and its modern day significance. (52 p.)
- Publisher: Areopagus Publishing* (2014)
*Earlier Editions Published by Think Red Ink Press